Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lucky,UNITEN and Iowa States University of Science and Technology

I dont have any lady luck inside my pocket. But sometimes, I can say that Im a luckyy person. Not the most of time for sure. Luck to me is subjective. It can be define in many ways depending on the individual. But being lucky at the particular crucial events does really help me in many ways. How long a guy can be lucky without his lady luck?

Well, I should thank God for giving me the opportunity to actually get admitted to Iowa States University, at least I've been admitted to my own choice of safety school. The feeling of adrenalin, excitement circulating through my blood vessels when I received the parcel from Fedex few days ago. Yeah, maybe some of you guys dont even care about getting admitted to Iowa States, but this is like an assurance for my study progress to States, even if I rejected the offer and go to another school.
At least I dont need to worry about not being able to continue my study at States, since my sponsor put a requirement of getting any of the universities listed in their list to be able to go study in States.

Being frank, if let say I need to stay in Malaysia, I dont think I will studying in UNITEN. I would rather go for UTP or maybe Taylor.
The implementations of so called electric-prepaid-meter is just annoying, unacceptable, unreasonable (maybe if they say they wanted to promote a green earth, it may sound reasonable), unethical, unprofessional and generates money rater than professional.
It was the last thing that crossed my mind when the first time I entered UNITEN. I was like, we are in the university that partly supply electricity to Malaysians, and we will never pay for it. But, dont say the uncertainties unless you can guarantees it wont happen.
Now, living in the dark is normal. And I will be no newcomer when it comes to Earth Hour later this month.
I dont think UNITEN will last like 10 years from now. They need to change many things to stay in the industry, I mean the education industry. By the way, do you ever see a billboard of UNITEN anywhere?

Im thinking of closing all my options on other schools and straight away accept Iowa States.
If I do, I wont get to celebrate Eid in kampung, I only have a little time left for my family and I have to say goodbye to my friends here.

Being lucky sometimes can lead you to others situation that could not be describe by words.